Dentistry Internship Program
One of the missions of the University is a leadership role in the continuous education and training of dental graduates, equipping them to face professional challenges and to accept diverse responsibilities. A dental graduate must undertake a twelve-month internship to meet a mandatory requirement for full registration as Dental Practitioner. Upon successful completion of the specified requirements, the intern will receive a certificate of competence of one-year training.
- Enhance their knowledge, skills and competency in the practice of General Dentistry.
- Provide them with an insight particularly in the area of their planned future dental specialty.
- Be involved in research projects that can motivate them to show their innovative ideas and develop their scientific writing abilities.
- Awaken their interest in pursuing graduate studies and continuing dental education.
- Gain experience in risk assessment and management of medically compromised patients, as well as emergency and primary dental care.
- Excel in verbal communication skills and usage of audio visual aids through formal lectures and seminar presentations.
- Maximize their views on latest programs in oral health through community involvement.
The internship training program consists of the following:
- Clinical Training (General Practice, Primary Dental Care and Emergency Clinic)
- Hospital Training
- Didactic Part:
- Research Project
- Treatment Planning Session
- Advanced Education Seminar
- Community Projects
The Internship Training Program is administered by the Interns’ Training Program Committee and it requires interns to participate in different clinical rotations for a period of twelve (12) months, which is divided into six (6) rotas. One of them will be for the hospital and oral maxillofacial surgery which may be chosen by anyone who has the interest for the specialty.
A. Clinical Training
In the University, interns are simultaneously involved into two disciplines of training namely: Primary Dental Care and General Dental Practice. The Primary Dental Care is aimed to provide walk-in patients with emergency dental treatments. All types of treatment offered in primary care sessions are expected to be completed within the allowed time in the primary clinics. General Dental Practice allows interns to render comprehensive dental treatment for patients with pre-scheduled appointments. Interns will also cover screening clinics, where patients will be triaged and referred to different clinics based on complexity of cases.
B. Hospital Training
This rota is aimed to acquaint the intern with the diagnosis and treatment of surgical and non surgical conditions that can be performed in the out-patient clinic or in-hospital based practice. The hospital exposure is an extensive training in the in-patient care and ward management for various dental procedures. The program will also introduce the trainee into a team type practice by working closely with other dental and medical specialists. Some centers may request the trainee to carry out a night duty or an on-call commitment as part of the training program.
C. Didactic Activities
The didactic part includes participation in treatment planning sessions, advanced education seminars, and also completion and presentation of the research projects.
Interns who are assigned in outside rotation are expected to attend all weekly didactic activities at the University.
D. Community Projects
This part stresses the importance of prevention of dental diseases through intern's involvement in community activities. The interns must carry out projects related to health education programs.
General Rules and Regulations
A. Admission to the Program
This program is open to graduates with a Bachelor of Dental Science Degree or its equivalent from recognized dental Colleges inside and outside kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The program fee is 60,000 Saudi Riyals with an option of paying the amount in two installments. First installment will be at the beginning of the internship and the second installment should be paid before the commencement of the fourth rota.
B. Duration and Continuity of Training
- The internship program is for one-year (12 months) consisting of six (6) rotations. The specified period of training shall be on a continuous and uninterrupted basis.
- A maximum of accumulated thirty (30) days official leave of absence (Emergency leave, Sick leave, Educational leave, Maternity Leave and other types of leave) are allowed during the entire training period, but only a maximum of (10) days can be filed in a month.
- An extension of the internship training period shall be applied in the following conditions:
- Excess of the allowed number of official leave
- Any unofficial leave
- Non-fulfillment of the requirements of the program
- As a disciplinary measure
- For female interns, a maternity leave of forty-five (45) days is granted provided that a medical report is provided within 2 days of the last day of leave.
- At any circumstances that an intern filed official leaves which are in excess of the allowable number, there would be an extension of training to fully compensate for the leave of absence.
- Interns are expected to attend all Hospital, Clinical Duties, Didactic and Community Activities.
Guidelines in online filing of leave
- Emergency leave needs to be filed at least 24 hours before duty.
- Sick leave to be filed at least 3 hours before the duty and the medical certificate/report should be provided within 2 days of the last day of leave.
- Female intern’s maternity leave to be filed within the time frame of her duty and the medical certificate/report should be provided within 2 days from the last day of leave.
- Educational leave to be filed at least 24 hours before duty and the Certificate of Attendance should be provided within 2 days from the last day of leave.
- All leave including those in outside rotation must be filed after accomplishing the Leave Request Form Online and be approved to be considered official.
- Early leave (permit to leave premises during working hours)needs to be filed at least 24 hours before duty. Interns with only half session (3 hours duty) in a day cannot file for an early leave request.Interns are only allowed to accumulate a maximum of 18 hours in the entire training period with a maximum of (3) hours per applied leave.
- Any duty which will fall either on Saturday or Sunday, the 24 hours before duty is referring to Thursday.
C. Symposia and Scientific Meetings
- Each intern may apply to attend international and national dental symposia during the internship training period. The time spent in such symposium need not be replaced at the end of the program, provided the candidate is granted an education leave on application and presents a certificate of attendance of the symposium.
- All applications must be filed officially following the approval process set forth in the request form.
- A maximum of one week may be given to those who may wish to attend an international meeting while the local meetings will be based on the number of days applied.
- Candidate who shows the interest in presenting an accepted scientific paper will have the privilege to avail more than the required number of days of educational leave if deemed necessary as approved by the Internship Training Committee.
D. Clinical Components
- Attendance
Punctuality in all clinics is mandatory and the daily attendance will be monitored closely. Interns should abide the official working hours in addition to the rules and regulations required by each training institution they are attending. Aside from official and unofficial absences, the other offenses are classified into the following:
Code 1 - more than 15 minutes and less than 1 hour late
Code 2 - late for one hour and more
Code 3 - leaving the clinic unofficially and did not report back
Code 4 - leaving the duty more than 15 minutes before the end of time schedule
Code 5 - timing in but not logging out but physically present
- Clinic Attire
Interns are requested to take the recommendation regarding the prescribed clinical dress at working hours seriously in each training institution. Interns are obliged to use the proper identification badge. Blue jeans and casual dress are not allowed in clinical premises.
- Professional Ethics
Interns are expected to maintain respect and confidence of patients through sincere and honest relationship. Patient's cultural practice and individual differences must be respected. Physical treatment must be backed up with psychological support and clinician has to be sympathetic and considerate. Courtesy, cooperation and harmonious interpersonal relationship must be highly observed among all clinical staff to promote a wholesome working atmosphere in the clinic.
The medically compromised patients and those who may suffer contagious diseases or disabilities have to find accessible treatment within the medical and dental profession. Infection control measures should be observed all the time regardless of the patient medical status. Under no circumstances should any Intern refuse or object to treat patient who may carry contagious diseases. Such attitude is medically and ethically unacceptable.
- Discipline
Interns will receive by email punctuality or clinic discipline reports pertaining to any incurred offenses. A reply by email to these reports from the interns is obligation within (24) hours period. Repetition of offenses will also subject the intern to disciplinary measure.
In case of unapproved absence, negligence, misconduct, incompetence, insubordination or any other act that the interns’ superior deem unacceptable, an Intern shall be dully reported to the Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee (QAGITPC) for disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness of the offense and upon the recommendation of the(QAGITPC) a disciplinary action may be one of the following:
- Verbal or written warnings or probation
- Suspension
- Extension of training
- Repeating a rotation
- Evaluation
In order to monitor the interns’ performance, it is essential that some forms of quantification and evaluation of the work carried out by the interns should be documented. Each procedure performed by the intern is recorded and will be compiled in a bi-monthly report. While in other institutions, training supervisors send their evaluation of the intern’s performance at the end of each rotation (see Appendices). By the end of the program, the intern’s performance should be evaluated and assessed by the Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee. The data for evaluation will be compiled from the summary of procedures recorded, and the decision of whether the intern has fulfilled his/her requirements or requires an extension of the program will be made.
- Graduation
At the end of the one-year internship program, interns will be awarded certificate of completion of the internship, provided that they have fulfilled all the requirements of the program.
E. Request Guidelines
- If there is an intern willing to exchange with another intern, the following can be requested:
- Change of campus
- Change of groups
- Change of schedule
- Requests must be sent by email to (14) days before the start of the incoming month. Except for change of campus which is 14 days before the start of incoming rota.Late request will not be accepted. In this way, the clinician’s number and the productivity will not be affected and proper arrangement can be made by our Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office with the Chief Auxiliary Services of each campus.
- An intern requesting for change of campus needs to finish his/her patient’s cases before it can be approved.
Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee (QAGITPC)
During the entire period of the internship, all interns are under the administration of the Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee. Members of the committee hold regular meetings to discuss the progress of the program and other issues pertaining to the Interns. The Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee is appointed by the Rector as follows:
- Chairman
- Internship Training Program Coordinators
- Intern Clinic Director
- Intern Research Director
- Intern Research Assistant Director
- Intern Community Director
- Intern Seminar Director
- Continuing Education and Post-Internship Preparation Director
- Intern Outside Rotation Director
- Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office Director
- Chief Auxiliary Services
Dental Interns
Interns shall work on a full time basis during the entire period of their Internship program. They shall execute all dental procedures defined in the curriculum and perform other duties related to their training that may be assigned by the Directors. Interns are expected to observe all rules and regulations specified in this manual.
The faculty has a big role in the successful administration of the program by providing support thru supervision in the clinics as well as in the research projects.
- Role of Faculty Clinical Supervisor
- Acts as an immediate supervisor to ensure that the assigned interns are executing comprehensive dental treatment on all their booked patients.
- Monitors the intern's ethical behavior and professional attitudes.
- Provides immediate assistance to the interns in clinical emergencies.
- Urges the interns to enhance his/her experience on treatment modalities that were inadequately covered during their undergraduate training, and may also introduce techniques that were not covered at all.
- Attains maximum interaction with the interns during their clinical supervision.
- Updates the Intern Clinic Directors about interns who may need special attention.
- Is available in the clinic during the intern clinical supervision session.
- Assists in filling up the clinical evaluation forms at the end of each rota.
- Participates in the periodic discussion with the interns at the end of each rota.
- Guides the interns on the appropriate method of referrals to student courses, post graduate clinic and specialist clinics.
- Role of the Faculty Research Supervisor
- Assist the interns in selecting research topics.
- Assists the intern in all their preparations for their research.
- Checks adequacy of the literature review.
- Supervises the intern in all stages of the research projects including data collection, analysis and writing of the paper to ensure that the research paper is completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the scheduled presentation date.
- Provides moral support to the intern during his/her presentation by being physically present and by providing assistance in clarifying questions or issues which may be raised during the open forum.
- Updates the QAGITPC Intern Research Director or the Intern Research Assistant Director with the progress of the intern research project.
- Accomplishes the evaluation form promptly at the end of the intern's presentation.
Responsibilities of Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee (QAGITPC)
- Role of Intern Training Program Committee Chairman
- Monitors the overall process of the training program and prepares the needed internal communications.
- Is responsible for calling meetings to discuss significant developments and other relevant activities.
- Role of Internship Training Program Coordinators
- Supervise the implementation of the internship training program.
- Responsible for reporting achievements and difficulties met in the program and make the necessary follow up thru proper monitoring.
- Responsible for gathering all the data pertaining to intern’s attendance, attitude, performance, productivity reports and evaluation within and outside the Institutions.
- Act as a liaison among the faculty members, supervisors and the rest of the members of the Quality Assurance General Internship Training Program Committee.
- Role of Intern Clinic Director
- Monitor the overall Clinical activities of the Interns with the help of the Chief Auxiliary Service.
- Responsible for assuring the interns performance meet the quality and quantitative expectation level.
- Responsible for arranging regular sessions with the Faculty Supervisors to discuss interns’ progress.
- Responsible for investigating complaints on interns misbehavior or negligence and provide the necessary solutions.
- Responsible for the supervision of other faculties in charge of interns in the clinic thus
- Ensuring that all patients treatment plan will be checked and approved prior to the initiation of the case and appropriate treatment will be provided to the patient before dismissal.
- Assuring proper documentation of treatment procedures will be.
- Responsible for setting a meeting with the interns in groups in his convenient time to discuss clinical concerns.
- Responsible for submitting bi-monthly reports of interns with regards to their clinical evaluation thru the assistance of the Chief Auxiliary Services.
- Role of Intern Research Director
- Directs the overall activities related to the Intern Research Projects.
- Responsible for the orientation of interns regarding the official format and guidelines to be followed in research projects.
- Responsible for overseeing interns research presentations.
- Responsible for evaluating the Interns Research Project Presentations.
- Responsible for motivating the interns to submit their research projects for future publications.
- Responsible for monitoring the intern and research supervisors’ progress in the research preparation.
- Responsible for submitting a bi-monthly progress report of the research activities to the Interns Quality Assurance Office thru the Research Centre Office.
- Role of Intern Community Director
- Responsible for the Orientation of Interns regarding their Community Projects.
- Responsible for acquainting the interns with the overall guidelines in community projects preparation.
- Responsible for all Interns Community Projects Preparation.
- Responsible for Guiding Interns in accomplishing Official Reports of their Community Projects.
- Responsible for submitting summary reports of all community projects to the Interns Quality Assurance Office.
- Role of Intern Seminar Director
- Responsible for organizing the Advance Education Seminars including the Treatment Planning Sessions.
- Responsible for guiding the interns regarding the topics selection.
- Responsible for inviting the supervisors in charge of guiding the interns in their seminars.
- Responsible for assigning facilitators and panel of interns who will provide questions to the presenters for each session.
- Responsible for reviewing the CD of the presentation prior to the actual date and advising the interns to provide hard copies to the attendees to promote active participation.
- Responsible for the Scheduling Arrangements of Interns thru the assistance of the Chief Auxiliary Staff.
- Responsible for attending these seminars and instill discipline in the attendance and behavior of interns in didactic activities.
- Responsible for providing weekly and monthly report regarding the details of each presentation (topic and date) and the interns evaluation for submission to the Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office thru the assistance of the Chief Auxiliary Staff.
- Responsible for providing weekly and monthly report of attendance and behavior of Interns in Didactic Activities to the Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office thru the assistance of the Chief Auxiliary Staff.
- Role of Continuing Education and Post-Internship Preparation Director
- Responsible for running activities preparation to Saudi Health Board Exam and American National Board Examinations.
- Responsible for organizing conferences and symposium activities.
- Role of Intern Outside Rotation Director
- Responsible for the overall coordination with the outside training institutions regarding intern’s performance, attendance, evaluation and other concerns.
- Responsible for visiting the interns in their respective outside training institutions to monitor their activities and progress.
- Responsible for submitting Monthly Progress report of all interns in outside rotation.
- Responsible for the Preparation of the Interns Annual Rotation Summary Report and its regular updating.
- Responsible for the up to date submission of Evaluation Reports of interns on outside rotation.
- Responsible for coordinating with the Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office regarding the necessary documents needed by the interns in other training institutions.
- Role of Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office Director
- Responsible for the Quality Assurance of the Internship Programs.
- Responsible for receiving all the reports from the different members of the QAGITPC and organizing them in an acceptable format matching the standard of National Commission for Academic Assessment and Accreditation (NCAAA) to be presented to the Chairman of QAGITPC for the necessary actions to be undertaken and to be implemented thru Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office.
- Responsible for preparing the agenda of the bi-monthly meeting of the QAGITPC after counseling from its Chairman.
- Responsible for monitoring reports and answering the e-mails from mails after direct consultation with the Chairman of the QAGITPC.
- Responsible for coordinating with the Chief Auxiliary Services at each campus to organize the initial draft of the yearly interns training clinical schedule for all the six (6) ROTAs and get final approval from the Chairman of the QAGITPC prior to its release.
- Responsible for coordinating the reports and the items which must be discussed each rota and to inform the Chairman of QAGITPC for any deviation from the original intern plan.
- Responsible for the software management of intern training program which is now under development.
- Role of Chief Auxiliary Services
- Responsible for the monitoring of the Interns Punctuality in the Clinic including daily and weekly report of attendance.
- Responsible for accurate monthly reports of Clinic Productivity results.
- Responsible for reporting by email to the Intern Quality Assurance Director all requests of Interns regarding their training.
- Responsible for collecting the CD of finished comprehensive cases.
- Responsible for collecting the CD and hard copies of advance education seminars, treatment planning sessions and intern research presentations.
- Responsible for compiling the Intern Research Books (4 pcs.) after each presentation and its submission to the Library, Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office, Rector’s Office and Dean’s office.
- Responsible for the safekeeping of interns’ logbooks in and outside the University.
Clinical Requirements
The Clinical Requirements of the Program has been designed to simulate a group practice environment. The interns' experience will evolve with their interactions with the dental auxiliary and supervising staff. The Intern must accomplish the following:
- Minimum of (6) finished comprehensive cases
- (3) finished comprehensive adult cases (documented in CD format) or
- (2) finished comprehensive adult cases and (1) finished comprehensive pediatric case (documented in CD format)
- The remaining (3) comprehensive finished cases (adult or pediatric) can be equivalent to:
- (9) non-comprehensive finished cases or
- (90) single procedures except placement of temporary fillings, fluoride treatment, pits and fissure sealant and oral prophylaxis
- Only single procedures will be accepted in outside rotation if documented in the logbook with stamp and signature of supervisor and specification of the number of treatment procedures during the training in the clinic evaluation form
A. Comprehensive Cases in CD format
- The finished comprehensive cases in CD format must be (2) adult cases and (1) pediatric case.
- Only one (1) of the adult cases must be fully documented while the remaining (2) cases must contain patient data including the File Nos. with pre and post operative photographs and radiographs including the treatment plan.
- These aforementioned cases must be saved in one (1) CD only.
- Photocopies of the Approved Treatment Plan for all the (3) cases must accompany the CD.
- A copy of the Treatment Plan Non-Acceptance Form (see Appendices) must be included in cases where patients refuse a particular treatment procedure.
- The deadline to submit this CD will be on the last day of the 5th Rota. Those interns who will still not comply will have (1) month extension of internship training.
- This CD must be submitted to the office of the Chief Auxiliary Services which in turn will issue a slip as a proof that it was received.
- This CD will then be reviewed by the Clinic Intern directors and an email with their comments and needed revisions will be sent to you within (10) days by the Quality Assurance Internship Training Program Office.
- All modified CD must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Auxiliary Service on or before the last day of the first month of the 6th Rota.
- Those who will fail to submit CD which needs modification on this deadline will have (10) days of training extension.
B. Booked Patient Clinic (General Dental Practice)
- It is a must for every intern to send his/her patients to register future appointment(s) with the booking secretary. Any intern who makes verbal appointment or fails to give an official appointment slip to his/her patient will be held responsible for non-registration of the patient.
- Maximum allowed time for every booked patient is one (1) hour, however for major procedures, time of treatment may be extended.
- The daily procedures made for the patients need to be recorded on the patient file and the log book.
- Patient's files and Logbook must not be taken outside the University premises and should be returned at the end of each treatment session to the area supervisor.
- Logbooks can only be taken by the intern for usage for outside rotation purposes Patient’s treatment procedures must be documented with signature and stamp of the supervisors.
- Any referral to the Specialist or Postgraduate Clinic needs to be signed by Intern's supervising Faculty with proper coordination with the Chief Auxiliary Services and the booking area.
- Interns are not allowed to have special booking unless it is approved by the Supervising Faculty and coordinated with the Area Supervisors and Chief Auxiliary Services.
- Special arrangement and procedure has to be undertaken for treating patient with contagious diseases.
- Outgoing interns with unfinished cases should accomplish the Unfinished Cases Forms (see Appendices) and Patient Transfer Request (see Appendices) in transferring the case to the incoming interns.
- Any slot in the booked session (failed to come, cancelled patients, no booking) automatically will be allocated to the Primary Care patients.
C. Guidelines for Comprehensive Dental Care
- 1The clinical cases assigned to Interns are varied and are from all clinical specialties; Preventive dentistry, Operative dentistry, Endodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Pediatric dentistry, Diagnosis Sciences, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery etc.
- Every case must be fully documented. The documentation must include accurate dental records, relevant medical records, detailed treatment records, full mouth radiographs or OPG, diagnostic casts and where possible clinical photographs.
- A sequential treatment plan must be approved by the instructor in charge and this must be documented in the file of the patient.
- The Intern must be ready and able to present and/ or discuss the treatment plan of the assigned case(s).
- Information on assigned clinical case to be presented must include the following:
- Patients profile (name, gender, etc.)
- Chief complaint
- Medical and Dental history
- Extra and Intra-oral clinical examination
- Investigative reports - Xrays, laboratory reports etc., diagnostic cast.
- Clinical Diagnosis
- Objective of/and Proposed Treatment Plan.
- Nutrition /Diet analysis and oral hygiene protocol
- Documentation, with digital camera of clinical procedures is required ( Pre-treatment, during treatment and Post treatment photographs)
- Each completed case must be fully documented. The appropriate forms must be duly signed by the faculty supervisor (s).
General Rules of Primary Dental Care (PDC):
- The basic information, medical history, chief compliant and the clinical findings and procedures should be clearly recorded in details in patients' file.
- The time allowed for each patient in the PDC should not exceed 45 minutes. However for major procedures, time may be extended.
- A primary care patient suitable for student cases and with the consent of the patient must be referred to the students immediately. However, the patient should not be referred if he/she is in need of immediate treatment for his/her complaint or choose to avail the services of the intern. Primary care patients can be referred to the hygienist if periodontal care is needed.
- Interns in the PDC are advised against doing cases beyond the scope of emergency and primary care.
- Primary Care Interns are obliged to stay in their respective clinics till the end of the session and to be ready any time to see a patient.
- Those interns assigned in General Practice sessions will be assigned in Primary Care sessions including Screening duty based on the conditions below:
- No booked patient
- With failed to come patients after giving 30 minutes allowance
- Interns whose patients cancelled their appointments
- The daily procedures made for the patients need to be recorded on the patient file and the log book.
- Logbooks can only be taken by the intern for usage in outside rotation to document his or her patient’s treatment procedures with signature and stamp of the supervisors.
Procedures that can be performed in the PDC:
- Treatment of the chief complaint of an emergency patient.
- Preventive Treatment.
- Restorative treatment includes:
- Amalgam and tooth colored restoration.
- Re-cementation of fixed-prostheses.
- Repair of provisional fixed partial denture
- Endodontic treatment:
- Initial root canal therapy (pulp extirpation and pain control).
- Complete treatment of single rooted tooth and straight forward cases of multi-rooted teeth. An Intern who will initiate the root canal treatment must be the one to complete it during the regular booking session.
- Surgical procedures:
- A simple non surgical extraction (elective extraction should be referred to student courses)
- Other surgical procedures (transalveolar surgery, incision and drainage, biopsy, impaction etc.) should not be done without prior discussion with the surgeon supervisor.
- Removable Prosthodontic Procedures:
- Repair of broken removable complete and partial denture.
- Periodontic Treatment:
- Treatment of gingivitis and early Periodontitis.
- Pedodontics Treatment:
- Amalgam and tooth-colored Restoration
- Extraction
- Consultation with proper arrangement with the Specialist.
Didactic Part of the Internship Program
A. Research Project Preparation and Presentation
Each intern is requested to work in a group with other colleagues in preparing and presenting a scientific research project. The research topic is usually selected by the intern and carried out under the supervision of a faculty supervisor. Selection of the topic is usually done at the beginning of the internship. This is mainly to give him/her the chance in picking up the right topic and to find the interested faculty supervisor who may offer his/her help and guidance in the completion of the project during the internship training program.
- Objectives
- Ability to identify research topic and write a related Research Proposal.
- Ability to carry out the research
- Ability to write the outcome of the research using the IMRAD format
- Rules and Guidelines for Interns' Research Manuscript
The manuscript should be prepared in English language in a type written format. The manuscript should include the title, author(s), and their affiliations, abstract, body of the main work acknowledgement and references. The title must be concise, informative and representative of the study. A summary or an abstract written in Arabic and English languages must appear in the first page. It should state the purpose of the study, basic procedures, main findings and the principal conclusions.
The introduction states clearly the value and scientific merit of the research with relevant literature review for which the study is based. It should cover the related articles from the different published peer-reviewed journals that could be obtained from any available database. At the end of the section, a precise statement for which the research is aimed to is to be addressed in order to draw the connected relation between the conclusions and objectives.
The section of materials and methods should briefly describe the subjects utilized in the study and the methodology employed in the selection and analysis. The main results should always come next to materials and methods and include the findings of the study presented in text and numerical format with the appropriate statistical references. Simplified tables and/or figures and relative illustrations are to be attached but with no repetition. All figures, tables and illustrations are to be identified clearly with brief and conclusive captions. There should be a useful detailed discussion of the significance of the result in other observations related to the study. Methods by which subjects were assessed and the success of experiments should be judge. In the section of conclusion, only those findings supported by data are presented. This is followed by a short statement on the recommendation for further study if this is applicable. All references which have been cited or referred to in the study should be listed in the section of references or bibliography. The Research Center of RCsDP has specified the format for writing a Manuscript. By the end of manuscript, the author(s) is/are expected to acknowledge all persons who may have generously offered their scientific or technical assistance during the course and preparation of the research.
- Other Rules and Guidelines
- Any intern who has minimal involvement as reported officially by his/her supervisor and affirmed by the program coordinator needs to join again any ongoing research projects or choose another topic and be scheduled for presentation.
- Any intern who failed to show-up in a research presentation will be allowed to be scheduled for presentation as long as he/she is reported officially by his/her supervisor to have a maximum involvement in the research project.
B. Treatment Planning Session
The treatment planning session serves as a forum for interaction by the faculty and clinical instructors in discussing procedures in the treatment of complicated cases. Each intern will be given a chance to present cases for discussion with other interns.
- Objectives
- To develop the intern's skill in formulating an appropriate and excellent treatment plan for patients before executing treatment.
- To provide an intern with insight to resolve and determine the problem and difficulties that may be encountered in their discussion of different treatment modalities.
- To guide the intern on how to recognize and refer difficult cases to faculties for professional help and advice.
- Rules and Guidelines
- The presentation should have interesting diagnostics and/or treatment planning approaches.
- Full clinical examination with clinical slides before and after treatment with mounted study casts are required and have to be prepared ahead of time.
- The format during the undergraduate treatment planning session has to be followed during the presentation.
- If the post operative status cannot be presented on the date of presentation, the intern will be advised to have re-presentation and be given another schedule.
- Any cancellation of scheduled presentation can only be approved based on the following guidelines:
- If another intern is willing to interchange his/her schedule with another intern
- Due to any justifiable or valid reason
- All unapproved cancellation will subject the intern to disciplinary measure
C. Advanced Education Seminar
These include selected presentations given by interns, faculty members of the University and invited speakers covering new advances in a wide range of dental and allied medical sciences topics. A new format for the Scientific activities which includes the Advanced Education Seminars is to make use of the different resources at Riyadh Elm University with the assistance of postgraduate students and faculty members acting as supervisors to the interns as well as to hold monthly multidisciplinary medical practice presentation from invited lecturers.
Its primary goal is to continuously uplift the quality of education in Riyadh Elm University and secondly to motivate the postgraduate students as part of their training requirements to have active participation in the aforementioned activity thru their supervision and assistance to our dental interns.
- Objectives
- To expose the interns to current concepts in dentistry in order to upgrade their skills and widened their knowledge on certain topics
- To improve their verbal communication skills and enhance their mastery in the usage of audio visual aids through formal lectures and seminar presentations.
- Rules and Guidelines
- Selected topics will be made available to the interns by the beginning of each rotation.
- The topic must cover a minimum of (15) and maximum of (25) references from scientific refereed (peer-reviewed) journals.
- Interns must avail of the hard copies of these references which must be from current and old literature.
- Interns must prepare a manuscript for this literature review as well as to present it by Powerpoint presentation and be guided with the following:
- Postgraduate students will act as supervisors to the interns to these selected topics and in doing so will garner additional points that will give a great impact on their total evaluation in the postgraduate program.
- The interns on the other hand, will be evaluated based on their Advanced Education Seminar presentation, over all work and cooperation with their assigned postgraduate supervisors or faculty.
- The interns’ advanced education seminar presentation is a requirement in the internship training program.
- In case of cancellation of scheduled presentation, approval can be taken based on the following:
- If another intern is willing to interchange his/her schedule with another intern
- Due to any justifiable or valid reason
- All unapproved cancellation will subject the intern to disciplinary measure.
- Role of Postgraduate Program Directors
- To explain to the post graduate students the importance of REY educational system wherein their tasks of supervising the interns in their advanced education seminar is a vital part of their learning progress.
- To monitor in a weekly basis the progress of the Post graduate students ‘ intern supervision.
- To attend the presentation of the interns their postgraduate students are supervising based on their field of specialties on their time availability.
- To provide a post presentation evaluation of the postgraduate students based on the quality of their supervision of the interns.
- Role of Postgraduate Students
- To fully cooperate in the supervision of dental interns in the preparation of their Advanced Education Seminar presentation
- To discuss with the interns thru meetings in their available schedule and via electronic communication pertaining to the preparation of the in advanced education seminar presentation
- To help and provide literature research references and guidelines to the interns related to topic of presentation
- To edit and finalize the intern’s presentation according to the format of the advanced education seminar which is as follows:
- The topic must cover a minimum of (15) and maximum of (25) references from scientific refereed (peer-reviewed) journals.
- Interns must avail of the hard copies of these references which must be from current and old literature.
- Interns must prepare a manuscript for this literature review as well as to present it by Powerpoint presentation and be guided with the following:
- the cover page must have the name of Riyadh Elm University, the title of the topic, name of presentor, name of supervisor, date of presentation, time and venue.
- the succeeding pages will contain the title, introduction, aims, contents, conclusion and references.
- To do rehearsing with the interns being supervised one (1) week before the date of presentation to assure the quality of the presentation and to give emphasis and assistance on aspects that needs improvement and / or corrections.
- To instruct the interns to send one (1) week before the date of presentation the (PDF Copy) of the final presentation to give the attendees ample time to read and review by email.
- To be physically present during the presentation of the interns they are supervising to give them moral support, and to help in answering some of the questions related to the topic.
- To evaluate the interns they are supervising by giving them marks regarding their overall rating including their comments on how to improve the intern presentation and must be specified in the evaluation form that will be provided during the date of presentation or can be send by email to:
D. Journal Club Activity
- To give chance for the intern at REU to be updated and exposed to the current dental literature in a selected non-specialty journal.
- To select journals at international level.
- To gain knowledge from the different publications of dental journals.
- To coordinate the activity every week with all the members.
- To distribute the job and give assignments to meet the goals and commitments of the group.
- Responsible to send the power point presentation of the chosen article and PDF copy of the said article by email to .
- Responsible in subscribing to the journal by arranging with the members with regards to the payment where all needs to contribute.
- To cooperate with the group leader regarding their assignments.
- To present together with the leader and other group members chosen articles by means of power point presentation.
- To contribute to the subscription payment of the journal which will be under the name of the group leader.
1. The Group Leader and member should gather the following information:
- Complete name of journal
- Aims and scope
- Name of publisher or publishing company
- Name of editorial board
- Author background
- Country where it is published (origin of publication)
- Date of first publication
- Number of journals published since they started
- Advertising information (policy, orders including subscription price, inquiries and contact numbers)
- ISBN or ISS number
- Frequency of publication
2. The Group Leader should discuss the above gathered information by power point presentation for a duration of (5) minutes.
3. The succeeding presentations will be on a chosen article by the group leader and members which will be for (10) minutes.
4. Each one will be assigned to any of the following parts:
- Abstract/Aims and Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Result
- Discussion/Conclusion and references
5. The intern’s assignment should vary in succeeding presentations.
- The Group should provide (20) questions for each chosen article, a total of (60) questions for (3) chosen articles which will be used for a scheduled journal club E-exam.
6. Other Rules and Guidelines:
- Any member who failed to join will receive a mark of ''0" in his/her group in the journal presentation irregardless of the reason is required to present individually a different article from the same assigned journal. Joining another group is not an option.
E. Community Session and Participation
Riyadh Elm University take the lead with the preventive program. Interns will be encouraged to participate in various oral health programs aimed towards the community. Speakers in the dental public health will be invited to conduct seminars for this session.
- Objectives
- To decrease dental caries and periodontal diseases incidence and prevalence.
- To control infection and septic focuses due to dental lesions.
- To minimize tooth loss emphasizing on teeth restoration modalities.
- To alert community about the hazards of smoking and its relation to oral cancer.
- To emphasize the role of fluoride, fissure sealants and oral irrigators' role in prevention of plaque accumulation, dental carries and oral diseases.
A. Number of Projects
The total requirements for Dentistry Interns will be as follows:
(1) Field Group community project
- Introductory video consisting of an outline of the presentation and introduction that can motivate the participants to listen.
- One video for every member (Author) with a duration of 1-2 minutes
(1)Video by Group with a duration of 3-4 minutes (Topic to be provided by the Faculty Ambassador)
or another
(1) Field Group community project
B. Details on E-Videos
- All videos will be reviewed initially by faculty supervisors of each project prior to their presentation in community activity.
- Final review of the above videos will be undertaken by an appointed community to check the quality, craftsmanship and if they uphold the country’s culture and tradition and if they can be recommended for uploading in the Youtube linked to the university website, wherein the interns and trainees will be required to do necessary modifications if any.
C. Target Population - School Children from primary to intermediate level
D. Target Site - Schools in Riyadh Region
E. Target Date
- Selection and Planning
1st Academic Year – September
2nd Academic Year – February
- Preparation
1st Academic Year – October
2nd Academic Year – March
- Implementation
1st Academic Year – November to December
2nd Academic Year – April to 2nd week of May
- Assessment and Evaluation
1st Academic Year – January
2nd Academic Year – 3rd to 4th week of May
F. Assessment and Evaluation of Field Community Projects
Official questionnaires (Preliminary and Post Survey Forms) or feedback forms will be used to gauge the knowledge of the population on certain topics before and after the community service.
The total evaluation will be based on the following criteria: Result of the survey (Impact), Number of Audience Reach (Popularity), Organization, Professionalism, Demonstration-interaction, Creativity, Presentation (Video) and Community Project Report (Documentation).